Guest code of conduct

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Code of Conduct

TCU Place is committed to providing a welcoming, safe, comfortable, and enjoyable experience that is inclusive, free of discrimination and harassment. Everyone is welcome and should expect to promote an environment where people are treated in a courteous, professional, considerate, and respectful manner by our team members, contractors, performers, and other guests. Accordingly, TCU Place has a zero-tolerance policy towards acts of intolerance, racism, or discriminatory behaviour of any kind, and will not tolerate unsafe, abusive, unlawful, inciteful, or offensive conduct towards guests or staff. This Code of Conduct addresses conduct that is inconsistent with these goals and detracts from overall guest experience. For your safety and comfort, unacceptable conduct is subject to eviction or possible arrest.

The following conduct is prohibited in the venue and during any interactions with TCU Place team members (i.e. Phone).

  • Using language or making gestures that are threatening, inciteful, abusive, or discriminatory, including on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, ability, and/or sexual orientation
  • Behaviour that is unruly, disruptive, threatening, or violent in nature, including verbal or physical harassment of team members, clients, performers, and guests
  • Conduct that is illegal
  • Possession of a Prohibited Item
  • Conduct those results in damage to the Venue or other personal property
  • Displaying signs, symbols, images, flags, clothing, banners that may be considered vulgar, discriminatory, disrespectful, or a tool to be used for incitement or protest
  • Irresponsible use or consumption or any signs of impairment from use of alcohol or other substances
  • Possession of alcohol by a minor or providing alcohol to a minor
  • Possession of alcohol not purchased inside the Venue
  • Smoking (including e-cigarettes, cannabis, or vaporizers) except in specifically designated areas
  • Entering or attempting to enter the Venue other than that permitted by a ticket, registration, or credential
  • Weapons of any kind including, but not limited to, knives, pepper spray, stun guns, brass knuckles, and firearms
  • Possession of an unauthorized pyrotechnic device, smoke, or fireworks
  • Throwing objects of any kind, or entering the performance area
  • Failing to follow requests from Venue staff regarding Venue operations, policies, and emergency response procedures
  • Sitting in a location other than the seat identified on the guest’s ticket
  • Engaging in any commercial activity not authorized by TCU Place
  • Any disruptive, harmful, or disorderly behaviour or any act which, in the opinion of TCU Place officials, presents a risk to the safety of guests or staff, interferes with the event, or otherwise targets other guests’ enjoyment of the event.

Please conduct yourself by: 

  • Respecting staff, guests, and performers in the building.
  • Drinking responsibly.
  • Sitting in your ticketed seat and showing your ticket on request.
  • Ensuring that your clothing, signs, and banners are inoffensive.
  • Ensuring that you do not block another guest’s view of the event.

For the safety of our guests, you may be denied entry if you are: 

  • Intoxicated, or impaired by alcohol or cannabis.
  • Wearing obscene clothing or lacking footwear.
  • In possession of alcoholic beverages, recording devices, laser pointers, weapons, unauthorized signs or banners, noise makers, or any other prohibited item as deemed inappropriate by TCU staff.

Failure to abide by this Code of Conduct is subject to sanctions at the discretion of TCU Place, which may include ejection, suspension of entry privileges, arrest, prosecution, and banishment from TCU Place whether or not a warning is issued. Any guest who conducts themselves in an extremely disruptive or dangerous manner or commits multiple violations during a 12-month period, may be banned from attending TCU Place facilities and events for up to a year or longer.

Guests attending ticketed events in our theatre, who are ejected, will have their tickets revoked and will not be compensated in any way. TCU Place reserves the right to suspend events and / or refuse to book future events if this code of conduct is not adhered to.

Suite/box holders are reminded that they are responsible for the behaviour of anyone using their tickets / suite / box, and that failure to abide by this Code of Conduct may result in loss of suite holder privileges.

All guests are reminded that bottles, coolers, and containers of any kind are not permitted into the venue and may be confiscated. TCU Place reserves the right to limit the size of bags, purses, backpacks permitted within the venue. Guests are advised to consult applicable event information for specific policies with respect to bags. TCU Place reserves the right to prohibit the entry of items which may, in TCU Place’s opinion, interfere with the ability of other guests to enjoy the event or performance.

Guests violating these policies or impairing the enjoyment of the event, please report the situation to a TCU Place team member.


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