Awards ceremonies are always memorable and fun, but they require special attention. Planning an awards ceremony can be a big job, but it’s not impossible with the right help. A successful event requires careful planning and attention to detail.

At TCU Place, we’ve played host to dozens of awards ceremonies over the years, including the SABEX awards, Women of Distinction, and many more. Many moving elements include audio/visual, decor, food, and award hardware. At TCU Place, we have a team of specialists for everything from entertainment production to catering. After all, we’re your place to celebrate.

Save the Date

Once you have a rough idea of the theme, venue, and date for your awards ceremony, it’s time to finalize all the details. Before picking a specific day, week, and month as your ceremony date, consider the time of year and if there are holidays nearby.

Consider the Guest List

After you’ve decided on a venue and date, the next step is to consider your guest list.

Many factors should be taken into consideration when deciding who to invite. Keep in mind the answers to the following questions:

  • How many people do you expect to attend?
  • How many people do you want to invite (this will vary by industry and company size)?
  • How many people do you want to be able to accommodate (the capacity of your venue)?

Catering and Beverages

Catering and beverages are the next set of planning points to prepare. To keep it simple, we’ve broken this process into two parts: food and beverages. The first step is to consider the budget, which should be considered when planning your event.

Either way, let us know if there are any special requests we can accommodate so that we can help make sure everyone has a fantastic time at your event!

Entertainment, Photography, and Videography

When it comes to music, the first thing to consider is the atmosphere you want to create. Do you want a fun, upbeat vibe? Or are you aiming for something more serious and dignified?

A typical awards ceremony would benefit from four sections consisting of one opening act followed by three main acts, each performing two songs apiece (or whatever fits best with their musical style).

Hiring a photographer and videographer is a great way to capture the event. The best way to find a professional is by asking for references.

Work With a Winning Team

Award ceremonies are a lot of work to plan, but all will be worth it when you see the faces of your attendees and recipients celebrating success. Your careful planning will ensure that your event runs smoothly and everyone has a great time.

We know that planning an awards ceremony can be a lot of work, but we hope our tips have helped you feel more confident about doing it! With ballrooms, conference rooms, and a top-notch team of professional planners, caterers, and more, TCU Place is the place to celebrate!